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We recently asked you to send us photographs of your damaged furniture for your chance to win all the products that you would need to restore it! Simple.
Photos were sent to us Facebook and Twitter where we saw a range of problems including a tear in a Chesterfield arm chair, colour faded sofas and damaged leather car seats.
After carefully assessing each photograph and listing the specialist products needed to restore each item to send to the entries, we randomly selected our winner as Wanda Victores.
Wanda’s small dog had scratched the seat cushions and removed the colour from the leather on her white leather sofa.
With the help of our products, Wanda wanted to restore the leather and completely re-colour the sofa to match her recently changed décor.
She explained that she often had to apologise to her guests for the look of her sofa so she was very excited to get started.
What did we recommend that she used?
1 x 250ml Leather Binder to strengthen the leather
1 x Large Colourant Kit with custom colour
Wanda's step-by-step on how to clean, restore and recolour her leather sofa.
Step 1. Clean the leather sofa with Leather Ultra Clean
Step 2. Remove manufacturers finish and any soluble silicones with Leather Prep
Step 3. Clean the leather thoroughly with Alcohol Cleaner
Step 4. Strengthen the leather with Leather Binder and wait to dry
Step 5. Sponge on the first coat of Leather Colourant with sponge working it into any hard to reach areas
Step 6. Spray on the Leather Colourant and Finish
Step 7. Apply a Leather Protection Cream
Wanda: "To everyone I showed these pictures to said the couch looks great. It has inspired me to take on more leather projects, furniture and clothing. I love that this prevents a great couch from being thrown away into a landfill...I had lots of fun doing this!"
Wanda and her friends think her newly restored sofa looks great and we do too! Take a look for yourself...
The finished result!
If you have an item that’s in need of some care and attention, before looking for a replacement, consider restoring it instead.
As well as our amazing range of leather care and restoration products, we have created video tutorials and how-to guides that are available on our website to help you every step of the way.
Not sure about which products to select? Send us some photos of the damage and one of our team will contact you directly with a list of recommended products.
Already restored an item? We would LOVE to see your results and share your work with our followers.