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The leather repair training manual is a step by step guide with photos, explaining how to clean, repair & restore leather. It also includes information about the different leather types and how to identify them, plus an FAQ.
Tags: Leather Repair Training Manual , 皮革修復培訓手冊 , 皮革修复培训手册 , leather repair guide , leather repair manual , leather training manual , leather instruction manual , leather restoration manual , 皮革修復培訓手冊,培訓指南,培訓,手冊,修復手冊,修復指南,指南,皮革培訓指南,培訓,手冊,皮革修復手冊,皮革修復指南,指南,修復指南,修復手冊 , 皮革修复培训手册,培训指南,培训,手册,修复手册,修复指南,指南,皮革培训指南,培训,手册,皮革修复手册,皮革修复指南,指南,修复指南,修复手册
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