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Adhesion Promoter

About Adhesion Promoter

Adhesion Promoter is a polyurethane liquid with extraordinary adhesive properties. Applied to leather or vinyl one step before the application of colourant, the product creates a flexible coating that binds to the leather surface. When the colourant is then applied, it sticks to the layer of Adhesion Promoter, rather than the leather.





This image illustrates how the Adhesion Promoter (in red) has filled the creases and formed a coating bonded to the leathers surface. The application of Colourant (black), then adheres firmly to this layer.

The adhesive properties of the promoter are greater than that of the coatings, so applying it first, will create a better bond to the substrate than the colourant will on its own. In addition to helping adhere to the vinyl or leather better, the Adhesion Promoter will start to bind with the colourant, creating a permanent merged layer, rather than one sitting on top of the other.

We would advise to use Adhesion Promoter in all instances for vinyl and plastics. For leather, it is not always required. We recommend using it on areas of high, or heavy use, areas which have been heavily contaminated with grease or oil (such as hand or head areas), or raised areas such as piping or car bolsters. For all other areas you can apply the colourant without the need to use Adhesion Promoter, as long as the leather has been prepared correctly.

Adhesion Promoter is Suitable For

Adhesion Promoter is ideal for use on all restoration jobs, especially those where the leather is heavily creased. Creases naturally occur as the leather is used, in these creased areas there tends to be a lot of stress and flex to the surface. The Adhesion Promoter helps in these high wear areas, preventing the new coatings from deteriorating, therefore extending the leather's life.

The Adhesion Promoter should also be used on leather that you expect might be problematic, such as areas where grease/oil has been removed. The product will help the colourant stick better, reducing chances of the grease coming back through and affecting the colour.

It should also be applied to areas where the piping is raised out as this leather is easily knocked and abraded with use. Applying Adhesion Promoter onto these raised areas will increase the lifetime of a repair; areas such as car seat bolsters.

Adhesion Promoter’s Coverage and Shelf Life

Store in a cool dry place, away from direct sunlight.

Store between 8°C and 30°C.

Once opened, use within 1 year.

How to use Adhesion Promoter

Shake well before use and ensure that the area has been thoroughly prepared. Mix with Crosslinker Eco at a ratio 8:1 and thoroughly stir for 3 minutes.

After the Crosslinker Eco has been mixed into the Adhesion Promotor, it has a pot life of seven days. 

Absorbent leather

Step 1

Apply one base coat to the leather with a sponge ensuring it is fully rubbed into all areas. Dry off thoroughly with a hairdryer so that the product has set. The Adhesion Promoter will dry slightly tacky, so the idea of the hairdryer is just to set the product so that later applications do not run. Heat also starts off a chemical reaction, so each layer should always be heated with a hairdryer.

Step 2

Using an airbrush or spray gun, spray three light coats from different directions drying between each coat. Apply Leather Colourant or Leather Repair Paint after the final coat has dried.

Note: if the leather was absorbent but needed to be repaired with the Leather Binder, the leather can now be classed as non-absorbent, and instructions below should be followed.

Non-absorbent leather, vinyl and plastic

Do not follow Step 1 above. Using an airbrush or spray gun, spray three light coats from different directions drying between each coat. Apply Leather Colourant or Leather Repair Paint after the final coat has dried.

Instructional Videos


Q. Do I have to use Adhesion Promoter?

A. The Adhesion Promoter is predominantly for use on vinyl and plastic, and we would advise to use it in all instances.

For leather, it is not required in all instances. We recommend using it on areas of high, or heavy use, areas which have been heavily contaminated with grease or oil (hand or head areas) or raised areas such as piping or car bolsters.

For all other areas you can apply the Leather Colourant or Leather Repair Paint as normal as long as the leather has been prepared correctly.

Adhesion Promoter

Improves the adhesion of our coatings to vinyl and leather.

  • Extremely flexible

  • Ideal for high use areas

  • Enhanced durability
  • Use with Crosslinker Eco

  • From
  • HK$210.00
  • Product Code: Adhesion Promoter
  • In Stock

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Tags: Adhesion Promotor , Adhesion Promoter , 顏料助粘劑 , 颜料助粘剂 , adhesion problems , better adhesion , increase adhesion , peeling leather , create bonding , increase bonding , prevent crack , prevent cracking , 助粘,增加附著力,增加粘合性,增加粘合度,預防開裂,增加耐磨,增加耐磨度 , 助粘,增加附着力,增加粘合性,增加粘合度,预防开裂,增加耐磨,增加耐磨度

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