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Pine is a popular choice for wood and used in many applications such as doors, skirting boards, furniture and flooring. In this blog we restore an old piece of pine furniture and finish it using Danish Oil. You’ll see that danish oil on pine produces a lovely finish.
Watch the video below to show you step-by-step how you can restore your items of pine.
The first step is to clean the wood using the Wood Cleaner. This will remove any spray on polishes, silicones, waxes etc that may have been used to treat the wood over the years. Use the Wood Cleaner with the Sanding Pad to remove this easily.
Leave the pine to dry, then sand it with another Sanding Pad (but this time without the Wood Cleaner). The second sanding will remove any original finishes applied to the wood such as an oil, wax or varnish. If the wood has been painted you might need to use a paint stripper to remove this.
Once the wood has been prepared you can apply the oil. Apply the oil to the pine using the Foam Brush, leave it to soak in for a few minutes then wipe any excess away using the Lint Free Cloth.
We recommend applying three coats of Danish Oil in total, waiting between 4-6 hours (or overnight) in between coats.
The photo below (left) shows an old pine cabinet that originally had a wax finish applied. You can see the wax has become dull, dark and looks dirty. The photo on the right is what it now looks like after we stripped the old finish off and applied a new finish of Danish Oil on the pine.
Danish Oil is a durable and hard-wearing finish for pine. It will help prevent the pine from staining, reduce marks on the woods surface and enhance the natural beauty of the pines grain. What we love about Danish Oil though is how easy it is to use and re-apply.
Whenever the wood starts to look like its suffering from some wear & tear, you can simply sand down the damaged area using the Sanding Pad and re-apply the Danish Oil to that area. There is no need to strip down and do the whole item!
For day to day maintenance, the finish can be cleaned with Wood Cleaner, and the Danish Oil just needs to be re-applied whenever you think the pine looks like it needs more.
You can buy our Danish Oil on the website.